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Sunday, August 18, 2013


The eagerness among siblings is soon to end out fruitfully. For the planning that had been taking place since days, is to be implemented soon. The attires bought are to be worn soon, the gifts and threads have been bought after days of choosing out from the chaff. And among the married ones, there's a sort of mutual understanding being concluded whether, the sister goes to her brother or the brother goes to his wife's brother. And all these efforts just because Rakshabandhan is right round the corner.
A day that strengthens bonds between brothers and sisters is to touch up our calanders. Rakshabandhan has a quite of interesting history behind it. According to the MAhabharata, Draupadi- the wife of the Pandavas had tied a thread on Krishna's wrist for asking a word of promise from Krishna that he would always protect her (Raksha). And one bad day, the Kauravas happened to insult Draupadi publicly. So when the Kauravas unveiled Draupadi's saree, Lord Krishna protected her by providing her with an infinity saree, and the Kauravas were unable to publicly unveil Draupadi.
So in course of time, that thread began to be called rakhi for it was tied by a sister on a brother's wrist for asking the brother to protect (raksha) her from all happenings. So rakhi is eventually a thread of bonding. It depicts the love of a sister, for her brother. 
So on the day of Rakshabandhan, the sister firstly ties the rakhi on her brother's wrist, then she dips her middle finger in 'kankoo' and imprints her finger onto her brother's forehead, called 'tilak'. Nextly she sticks some rice grains upon the wet tilak and anon lights a 'diya' and then does the 'aarti' of her brother. The 'bandhan' ends when sister offers sweet to her brother and vice versa. Nextly, the brother offers a beautiful gift to her sister. This ends up the bonding process.
So after the bandhan, the brother's promise is held with proof. So this is a festival of love. A festival for which each of the brothers and each of the sisters await for. The rakhi is just a thread, but this festival marks up the strength of just a thin thread. Its a carnival of brothers and sisters. Its a festival of promises, a festival of relationships, a festival of bonds, a festival imparting oneness, a festival of bonds and a festival that is something more than a festival but its the day when the feeling trapped in the inner heart bounces out gracefully into honest promises and expectations. 

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