But the misers, before coming to such a result geographers decided among themselves, "The signboards and big banners obstruct the geology of the Earth. Hardly have we studied the naturally occurred reliefs, now how are we to remember of the newly made structures, especially when they are unattractive. Why to study of them too much? Lets give the researching work to the ecologists. Lets term them as a pollution and the ecologists will study of them."
They all went to the ecologists and at the conference, proposed the idea of the new kind of pollution. The ecologists too thought off their own gain. The ecologists asked for some time.
They personally sat and decided, "Hey guys, a new pollution launch. Wow, we would invite everyone to the launch of our new pollution. New way of gaining money. We will create awareness. Let's name that after one of us, or lets make it our repurcussion and win prizes and medals."
At last both of them agreed and they arranged a press conference and stated the new kind of pollution. The geographers in a way revealed themselves of the study of unattractive things that they found uninteresting. The ecologists got a new field to study upon. They made tonnes of money with that one cliche.
All the learned ones gained of their ideas. The ones who had to suffer, were we the human. Yes, they bound us with a new category of pollution. They tangled our hands, showing us the threats we shall encounter. They said that it might infect our eyes. And we taking no risks, started thinking of the preventive measures.
This is what happens most of the time in our lives. Most of the scientific forecasts are just rumors created for personal gain. But don't interpret my words as a target pointing out directly of someone. Yes, its just a minor twisty thought that I shared. For I just hate boundaries...
Yet, we are never sure of which repurcussion is a truthful selfless devotion to protect our environment. So with pinch of doubts too, we have to follow the ecologists' directions. Hope, that at least the people who have the power to change lifestyles and trendzzzz don't dig up the ditches of lies, so as to fill them with the precious notes. Hope that we would no more have to be bound by any of wrong repurcussions.
Part 3 continue...
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