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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Meditation- the Best Weapon

 A very boom of the clouds of stress besiege every individual during the years of life, just as each forest experiences the melancholy of autumn. But as the showers of summer herald the coming of the euphoric spring, the shedding of leaves impediment and  we feel that it is only in a human' s life, that the shedding of energy due to stress is ever lasting. Each drought is revived by a spell of rain in nature but our notions have been bound to think that there ain't a cliche to a stress free, kind and loving life.
 Though throughout aeons, meditation techniques have been implemented by grave sages and monks, it has been a plight for normal human beings to follow up. But as though it were a gradual gold rush, today, the number of non- meditating individuals is dwindling in an unremarkable manner. So still this shower of rain is not being adopted by most of the plants of this sapiens' forest. And so is the formula to lead a stress free, focused and blissful life, a pathway filled with exigencies. Besides knowing the advantages, each individual feels that mediation isn't her/his cup of tea. One of the reasons for the aforesaid feeling is that even if a person tries to meditate, wavering thoughts penetrate into his/her lives.
 The word of mouth that used to be the best promoter of meditation, have actually stimulated the writing up of thousands of books on meditation. These books like the one of 'Jennifer Brookes', state the best dimensions of meditation. The Industrial Revolution has instigated us to find logical elucidations of every fact, and so is today's women/men behind the actual effects of meditation on a human body. And with several benefits, in the cycle of years, meditation has been gaining a vital position in the daily course of people's lives.
 The FAQs related to meditation include the most popular question- "What is meditation and how to meditate?" The simple lucid answer to this is that when we reach a free state of mind, when the plethora canvas of our brain in completely blank, when there ain't any disturbing stressful thoughts worrying the heart and when the soul meets its inner being, the state of mediation is achieved. Meditation is not only being physically stable, but is also being mentally situated at the very present time. When we don't have a reason for being present in the present and yet our brain resides in the present, the meditating state is achieved. When all the cogitations of past and future get plunged by the emptiness of the present, one is said to be meditating. In simple words, meditation is the condition or a state where a person meets herself/himself, when a person comprehends himself/herself and when a person communicates with himself/herself.
 Technically speaking, the left hemisphere of our brain controls the reasoning, logistic and critical thinking abilities. These tasks cause the emission of beta waves from our brain. These can create a stressful juncture in our life. The right hemisphere of our cerebrum separated by the corpus callosum has been levied the function of controlling intuitive, imaginary, creative and memorial abilities of a person and releases the alpha waves. These waves help gaining a stable state of mind and yields in nurturing and growing happiness and alacrity in our minds by stimulating the release of hormones like endorphins and serotonins. 

Meditation requires a calm place, but it need not be tall hilly venue or a forestry location, it could be one's bedroom, but a place where sitting still could be possible. The next step according to 'Sherri Stockman's ' book is sitting still and erect or sitting by resting our back and trying to relax each of our body elements. Gradually, starting from the head to torso and finally the lower limbs, one must try instigating every part to be permeable to positivity. Nextly, the mind should be blacked out, i.e., each thought in it must be crumbled and stored in any of its wardrobes for future consideration, such that there's nothing of which the brain thinks while meditating. Both 'Stockman' and 'Marry Mageau' write about the barragement of thought that a novice meditating individual experiences, but they also provide the key to the problem. According to them, each thought that tries to be processed in the brain is a short term contemplation and one can easily start shooing off such thoughts by concentrating upon the breathing pattern. 'Brookes' added to it by saying that the thoughts must be linked with the breathing pattern. With every mass of air that we exhale, we must throw out one particular thought, and slowly, our brain would be emptied.
 So, what mediation does is that it coordinates the emission of waves from each hemisphere of the brain, such that only alpha waves are emitted. With this coordination, there is a resting state of mind that is achieved. So when one's thoughts are blank and one dosen't have the reason for it, one is successful in meditating. This is because the alpha waves pause the reasoning ability and stimulate the creative dimension of an individual. So, mediation has been successful in instigating the growth of creativity and intuitiveness, such that it imparts loads of elation to the being. Headaches and stress are the most inimical foes of human life and only meditation can overcome these evils naturally. The other effects of mediation include aid in loss of weigh, low blood pressure, stable physical state and lowered activity of certain parts of the brain. Meditation helps in thickening the cortical region providing a wider space for creativity and also help controlling the release of cortisol hormone. Being in a state of peacefulness, one's focusing ability increases in a short span of time, helping one to concentrate in a better manner. This focussing increases the learning and grasping potential of a person. Meditation also helps in multiplying physical strength and vigor, helping us to be boosted up for routine work outs. The horizon of  lists of advantageous consequences of meditation seem to meet the ending point every moment but it yet extends with every little step.

 Besides the aforesaid benefits, people still don't seem to comprehend the true advantage of meditation. Well, someone told me that meditation is like smelling a flower. Broadly speaking, the joy and jolly that we are imposed upon by smelling a rose is undefinable. We never get a perceptible materialistic benefit by smelling the flower, but our inner self gets satisfied by it. We feel an unknown gladsome wave, that is equivalent or synonymous to the inner bliss that one gains by meditating. So its not about only materialistic benefits, but meditation purifies the thinking by garnishing it with good positive thoughts and optimistic approach towards life. And these positive thoughts strike us because of our ability to bid a bye to negativity with the aid of meditation.
 Well then, its upto us. If we make our mind to meditate then in at least quite a few trials, we would find meditation to be an easier errund and soon we would be able to stuff meditation into our daily schedule. And one fine day, we would master that trick of controlling our brains. If the monks can control their body temperatures according to the Harvard University survey, or control their heart beats, then can't meditation be at least able to control the positivity in our thoughts? It definitely could, but the only effort required is to span a handful of time for this task, and then the complexities of life could untie its folds on its own, and then we would be the controller of ourselves and then we would be able to find ourselves in this world of lost personalities and our soul would attain the blissful state.
 So its time to pledge to begin meditating. Cutting of a minute from chattering, a minute from facebook, a minute from the mailbox, a minute from gadding round and a minute from nurturing evil intentions, we could gather at least five minutes to sit calmly and solemnly to meet the best and the most faithful friends - "me", to understand the most faithful friend "me", to nurture the friendship between our mind and our soul, to tighten the bonds between our soul and our heart, to let the alpha state empty our thoughts, to let an aura encompass our body and to be the very person our soul wants to be.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A shortcut to success is a cut short to success

There have been a million Google searches every day as per an Internet survey of keywords like “Easiest path to success” or “The formula to instant success” and so on. This clearly puts into light the fact that tons of people have been trying to find a short cut to success.  So people have been blinded by the inspiring sentences stating that there is a short cut to success.
Two men met at a mountaineering seminar. One of the men stated his experience of scaling the peak. According to him, he scaled the peak without any oxygen requirements, without overcoming the hurdles or a single plight. The path was smooth and strong enough to prevent his collapse. He said that he had gained success easily. The other men heard keenly but then he put forward his experience. According to him, he summoned an acute need for oxygen, he was taken over twice by an avalanche, the rocks on the path stumbled down thrice plunging his life at stake. For him, the path to success was unfavorable, unconditional and extremely difficult.  So considering the words of the first person, one might conclude that there is a short cut to success which does not require determination and hard work. But later on it was revealed that the first person had scaled Mount Kinabalu (4000 mtrs) and the second one had scaled Mt. Everest (8000mtrs).
The first person had gained a cut short success, i.e., the achievement of scaling a low peak as he had adopted a short cut, i.e., an easy mountain to scale. So this simple example has a deep meaning underneath it. The path to success is long and coarse. Moreover, success isn’t truly speaking a materialistic commodity. It is in reality extreme happiness of a heart. So materialistic gains could be gained easily by paying a dozen of heavy notes, but joy of the heart is quite difficult to gain.
A potter shapes the pot quite carefully; he smacks at the mud and then shapes it. The more he hits the mud slightly with his hands, the more does the pot get stronger.  If instead, the potter in quest of instant success hurries up his task and in two or three hits finishes it up, then definitely he does achieve his task. But the pot carved by him is short-lived, i.e., it gets broken in a frail of time and is quite week.  So the lazy potter attains a cut short success.
Life is nothing but a pinch of sand, which needs to be seasoned before making a sand castle. A single day work out might help in leading  until a short distance in an athletic event, but then the stamina fades away and only the person who had been working since months or years wins the first place.
If there had been a shortcut to success, then almost all the people on Earth would have attained success and the word “success” would not have been as vital in life. In each person’s life there are failures and achievements. The winner loses some or the other day. This is because it is a cut short of success. Actually this is unstable success achieved through short leaps of tries. But actual success is when winning or losing doesn’t matter or when fortune and misfortune are one and the same. So when antonyms seem to a person as synonyms- “success” is achieved.
A player of a high jumping event moves a few distance away before taking a high jump. The lesser the distance he moves back, the lesser is the height to which he succeeds to jump. So if a person tries to jump from a point very near to the platform, i.e., takes a shortcut to success, then he could only succeed in jumping to a very low height or gains a cut short success.

So, minute examples of life highlight the fact that success is indeed cut short if the shortcut is used to achieve it. So why use the shortcuts? It is hard work that could help attain the highest peak of life. Its up to a person whether he wants to scale Mt. Kinabalu or Mt. Everest. Whether he wants a stronger pot or an easily breakable one. Whether he wants to lead in an athletic event upto a certain distance or wants to win it. Whether he wants to follow the google results and attain a cut short success or follow the toughest path of life and attain the brightest gift from God- true success.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The True "me"

We might be bad at swimming but good at tennis. We might be good in language, but worst at maths. We might love sulking and gadding round but hate studying with persuasion. We might be ill- tempered and irascible, but also kind- hearted and caring by nature. We might be loving sweets but  be wanting to cut up calories. We might hate nutritious eatables but love roadside junkies. We might be impatient to meet our friends but might be unwilling to get back to our parents. Whatever be our liking and disliking, we all have a unique "me" within us. A "me" might be adorable at times, but at times something to be ashamed of.
But have we ever wondered "Why am I me??" Yes, this is one of the interrogations that we sway upon us while pondering into someone's remark. And we try to add up layers of other traits upon the "me". And the true "me" gets stacked down into the overlying segments of attributes. The layers above the stacked down "me" vanish the true being of us. The flavors of extravagant spices with which we attempt to plead the on-lookers infer an amended self.
What if the plops of gallons of water upon the Earth, veil its "me", i.e. , its own characters due to unworthy remarks of water phobics? The words of any drenched idiot does not affect the wetting ability of water. It never veils its being, by the influence of the comments of the on-lookers. It simply trails upon its true "me".
The layers of attributes cover up the true self, making us what we aren't. The superficial features last for quite a few fortnights, but then the true me booms and spurs out like the magma. So whats the meaning of pretension? In reality, we all tend to gasconade in order to grasp a position into other people's favorites.
We alter our intonation to covet a higher standard in the peak of the society. But with swirls and twirls of trends, we end up bubbling our true "me" high into the air. With gradual accumulations of motifs of other's "mes", our own "me" dwindles and fades like the smoke that stirs itself with the wind. And we ourselves feel, as though we are lost in this world of other human's "mes".
The way we are baptized with an identical name, we must uphold our identical unique attributes. Imagine being named more than thrice after birth. We will never feel possessive of a single name. We would hop from one name to another, getting lost in the world of different identities. And in the race, our true identity would be lost. Similarly, God gifted us our "me" and we should be proud of being presented with it. Each one's existence feeds a purpose, but the conditions apply. The conditions reveal that the "me" mustn't be altered.
We tend to change up our thinking and behavior in order to procure a soft corner from others. But we forget that true liking for us should arise among people considering our literal being. The Trojan disguise was meant for wicked conquering. So similarly, though pretension aids us to besiege other's hearts but it actually depicts our cunning nature. We veil our true self in order to win hearts. Masking thoughts and actions, we in reality forget our "me".
So why don't we let others keep their remarks and we keep our "me". But inspite of several epoch- making quotes and preaching, we tend not to stick to the "me". A negative note shatters us while a positive one boosts us. So we covet for boosters and in the race to get the highest positive remarks, we pace enough to leave our strolling "me" behind. We try to be airing to the on-lookers in order to gain their assertions. Though we win assertions by doing so, but we actually lose ourselves, we lose our "me".

Having lost only certain personal belongings, we cry the entire self out, so to what extent can we be hurt, if we come across the fact that we have lost our "me"? We apply lotions to protect and defend our physique. But what do we apply to protect our inner "me"? When we do care for our outward self then why don't we tend to protect our inner "me"? A cut on the skin seems to be the end of the world. But do we notice the wound on our "me" that finally dies out of the pressure of the overlying attributes? Why can't we be ourselves? Why can't we dare to showcase our true "me"? The fright to be mocked at and asserted negatively is the evil that pulls us away from being our "me". We simply put on new dresses of traits to look attractive and infatuate others, but why do we forget that we mustn't leave up our true "me" in order to do so. 
Truly speaking, we must overlook the negative comments and stay unaffected by them. The bitter words are never strong enough to penetrate into us without our will. So, its up to us whether to let the influence of the negativity amend our "me". 
We must at the very same time seize to impress and seize to try to win the hearts of people who want us to be changed. People who do not respect our "me" and who do not like us as we are, don't deserve our attention. Broadly speaking, we must just not worry about trying to win hearts. We must be our true self. We must be our true "me". We mustn't consider the negative remarks and proceed in our life in the way our inner "me" asks us to. Why to be what we aren't? Why to cheat and win hearts? Instead we must live the "me" to the fullest. We must uphold our unique "me" and definitely there would be dozens of people who would get influenced by us. The people who like us with our true "me", are the real well- wishers. So why to alter our "me" for the fake friends or rather the freaking foes? 
So lets not consider the ill- comments. Let's pledge to be ourselves, whether the others find us irritating or loving. Its time to live our full "me" and instead of questioning "Why am I me?" Lets say "I am me. And I would be me". And only then our true purpose of life could be fulfilled. Only then, can we live to our utmost potential. Only then can we face the harshest of storms that question our being. Only then can we proudly say "I am me."

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Diwali- The Equatorial Aurora

The Indian citizens have been quite agog in the past days, for the it was reported that an aurora would be summoned in late October in the Indian subcontinent. It was reported that the colored lights would last for around a couple of nights in the month of Kartika nearly on the occasion of a New Moon. This could bewilder most people, for Aurora is a patch of colored lights seen at around midnight time in the polar territories. But the occurrence isn't simply a rumor, and is fair in every aspect. When rationalists asked for explanation as a cause of renaissance, the historians and mythologists stood up at first, and began explicating the reasons of the surety of the occurrence  of the equatorial colorful lights. The cause flabbergasted each listener, inducing a concrete reason for the equatorial midnight colorful lights.
The narration followed in a gentle blissful happening and intensified further. But for the very first time, science was overthrown by literature and history. The exile of Lord Rama, Laxmana and Sita for fourteen years to a jungle by King Dashrata- Rama's father himself, though not malignantly but due to a promise to fulfill his second queen - Kaikai's wish who couped against Rama in order to let her son Bharata succeed his Dashrata's throne. Though the first half of the tale didn't seem to explain the reason but the second half fueled to do so. The tale imposed a stress upon the grievances of Rama due to the abduction of his wife Sita by Ravana and the way Hanumana helped him in gaining back his wife. The mythologists then stated that for welcoming Rama back to his kingdom- Ayodhya, people lit "Diyas" ,i.e., lamps. And gradually on that day every year people started bursting crackers in order to celebrate the victory of good over evil. And then did science help out, by introducing colorful crackers that enchant and adore the sky during the abutting days of Diwali.
The Indian skies get filled up with colors that block the horizon during the Diwali fest. Such lights illuminate the night that might be mightier and prettier than the aurora itself. If the poles boast the presence of Aurora then, India must boast the presence of the Diwali lights. The crackers indeed create the effect of an aurora and so the fact isn't a rumor but is a blissful truth.
So Diwali 2014 is soon to knock our doors to summon the aurora at the equator. Diwali being a grand festival, is celebrated not only in India, but in many other nations of the world. A grand bumper of happiness is something that it guarantees. Diwali is a surprise packet embedded with variations in forms of elation, rhapsody  and exuberance. All the practices followed during the Diwali days clearly indicate that it is celebrated to top up our lives with rabidity, And indeed, we the maniacs of joy accept it with jubilation. With refurbished cleansed abodes, decorated verandahs, colored rangolis and colorful crackers, the festival of Diwali is synonymous to the Aurora in the poles. So with this festival we have been given a chance to experience the aurora in our country.
Equatorial Aurora
A festival is something that gives a breakthrough to the daily routine, and Diwali being a carnival of lights, signifies something just more than a change in the daily schedule. With every cracker that is burst, the grievances of life are burst off. With every spark of the cracker a new ray of hope gets lit up. With every trail of smoke, the stress in the lives disappear into infinity. The wicked inimical cracker's burst depicts the burst of melancholy and woe. Every cracker that kisses the skies, inspires us to reach supernatural heights. Every burst that lightens the night, rouses us to brighten our lives. Every shade that we fill up in the rangoli adds up a new shade of merriment into our living. Every sweet that we digest aids us in sweetening our lives and being good to everyone we come across.
So every aspect of this festival is something to be learned. Each tradition, every practice, each formality tries to explicate us the way to live our lives. The very reason for its celebration is not the only aspect we must learn from Diwali, but we need to be perceiving and free to learn from our ancient culture.
So its time to celebrate a happy, safe and a perceptible Diwali. Every element needs to be observed closely. Its time to learn from this festival of lights. Its time to vow to be inspired from every element and every part of Diwali celebration. So let us all enjoy this aurora of lights in India. Let us break through all the chains of rigidity and flow in the ocean of joy, let us celebrate this Diwali with a new attitude towards life and pledge to give a new direction to our lives.
A very Happy Diwali!!!! May you not miss to summon this equatorial aurora!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Creativity Killing

A new celebration squeaked the door of our hearts, that heralded to broom back the grit of joy and the filth of happiness in the lives of the inhibitory spirited tykes of the Key Stage 4 (10th grade). A frail of elation prevailed, for the Teacher's Day carnival was dated within the next two weeks. And the droplets of ideas that encompassed the students were enough to fill up a whole of an ocean. But the word 'IDEA'  in our terms indicated a thought that had bubbled after perception of something that was prevalent since decades. The ideas actually should be something that evolve naturally. Something that is quite creative and different from the primitive prevailing ongoing. But the fright of being mocked at, suppressed all naturally occurring ideas and the ocean was filled up with the common and aforethought ideas. And certain droplets of gallant demiurgic cogitation were forcibly subjected to evaporation by the cohesive forces of the drops that plopped in the ocean.
This evaporation of ideas is something that can be called as Creativity Killing. This is the killing of new innovations that knock at the minds of some of the tykes. The rationalizing reason for such an act could be the fright of being mocked at. Or the thought of seeming to be out of the trend, if something new is done. In the race of walking with the trend, today, people's thoughts tend to coincide with that of others, as toeing the trend is doing what has always been thought and done. And so the one who's thoughts don't coincide with the trend seem to be the out of the world, boring, outdated, old fashioned and not-in-the-trend personality.
So shouldn't creativity killing be persuaded as a crime. Well, after all a reason for an answer is must. I rather say it should be. But at the same time it shouldn't be too. For it wasn't the children's fault that they thought that a new idea shall be mocked at. Because even most of the adults bear this kind of mentality, and that's what is prevailing since generations. So if Creativity Killing is considered a crime, then each dignified human being today (at least in India) should be subjected to imprisonment on this charge.
Killing (of any severe type) is subjected to fines and imprisonments. So isn't creativity killing a severe crime and isn't creativity a genuine factor of development? Well, the answer is a big "NO" in accordance to our mentality. If someone thrives to do something different, we mock at the person, we sass that the person is crazy and thinks of himself too highly. But have we ever thought that let's give the new thought a try? We simply reject the new pattern of working, tagging it as uninteresting and useless. But why don't we try out the new idea. Confidence blooms once we succeed. And success comes only if we try. And the confidence will encourage others to be creative in return, and creativity shall dominate.
But as if tug with the virtual handcuffs of self-respect, we simply flee from new thoughts. And at the last, not at all allow a single pinch of new ideas in our verandah. Knowing that killing is a crime, yet we unknowingly kill creativity. In this run, we ourselves don't think creatively and at the same time with the weapon of discouragement, abstain others too from doing so.
We won't be able to change our instigated thinking till we don't realize the true importance of creativity. The European countries honor creativity and welcome the thoughts of each being, and at last come up with a whole new idea. The year long stay in U.K. taught me a lot about the success of the Western Countries. At school the worst paintings of mine were appreciated and the worst of my writings were stuck upon the notice board. This encouraged me to paint more and write more, and gradually with increasing confidence, my fear dwindled and the new idea section of my brain got stimulated. Then all our final write ups were taken into a consideration and an entire new story was formed and it was one of the best stories that were printed in Bramely Students Newsletter. So a new piece of work was born out of creativity.
Inspiring new thoughts at the base level is necessary for the upliftment of a new mind set in a community.
A simple instance of creativity killing among Indians was observed by me just a few days ago. As mentioned earlier, the Teacher's Day Function duties were all bestowed upon the students. And the ocean filled with olden ideas evolved. I spotted children who were pleading to try out something different, but their ideas were plunged in the air. And the entire function plan was blueprinted as almost the same as the last year's put ups.
So did any new idea progress during the setting up? Did any development of the students' thinking take place with that put up? Well, the answer is known to each one of us. and such functions are not mere entertainment imparters. But they actually should boost up a child's confidence and bloom up new thoughts.
Well for a country to develop, new ideas are must. Science and literature advancements are possible only with creativity. The country with a high intellectual level is also the one where a mass of creative thinkers exist. So firstly, we have to realize the importance of creativity so as to honor it. Once we realize its significance, then the guts to do something new will automatically pop out. The donkeys work hard everyday, but is there anything new that they do? Do the people appreciate them and aspire to be like them? Well then similarly, doing same things again and again is not at all going to work out. Doing something new and different is what that shall be appreciated. Why to toe the lines of others? We shall instead set out our own frail in this world. Rather than following a role model our goal shall be becoming a role model. And for becoming a role model, creativity is must.
So now the ball is in our court. Lets spurt our creativity into the air and fill up the air of our country with newness. Let's be creative in the minutest of acts. Only then the nimbus cloud of creativity shall be formed. Lets work to create awareness among the Creativity Killers of the consequences of their at. And yes, they are punished. Stagnancy is their punishment. While the creative thinkers fly up high in the sky, the creativity killers remain clogged in the same place for years and for generations at times.
So just the change of mindset is must. And then the world could be a different place for living. "Just give it a try" should dominate our lips and then definitely the next morning's Sun would bestow a creative thought upon our mind, which will be enough to change the dimension for us. That will be enough to make a difference. That will be enough for the developments and advancements of our country and that will be enough to satisfy our souls. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014


'Mercy resides in the inner pericardium of our heart. When the heart profound someones' words, sight or condition, there might be a sudden caress that unfurls the thin layer acting as a hiatus between the mercy and the haemo-flow. This rupture might be strolling the mercy into the blood, instigating a sense of leniency into the reflexes. This reflex might then be resulting into the merciful acts that we all commit.
So the clemency of a person relies upon the softness of the heart and the pericardium. Whether the rupture occurs promptly enabling us to bestow mercy upon someone or it delays the fruitful reflex leading to contemptuousness soon after the right moment passes out, depends from head to toe upon us. So to defend a self scorn by bluffing the inner self will not be left an option at all, for the choice to act with leniency is always in our court.
In our monotonous chaotic living, we are rather hardening the pericardium in every fold. The minute we sight a worth pitying creature, we tend to ignore the caressing at the heart surface. We instead try to flee away from the energy that waves at us for aid. The seemingly merciful people starve round the Earth, but their sight can not at all induce a feeling of clemency among us .
Hundreds of people round the Blue planet are worth -being helped out of mercy. The medically and physically disabled people barrage with life every second they breathe. They feel the feelings but cannot deal with them. The agony encompasses them throughout the day. They yell out in loneliness screeching for mercy to be levied upon them. They pray to end up their lives. But their voice is at times gets trapped due to sluggishness of their larynx. They starve of freedom from the wheelchairs. They too wish to sight the stars and hear the jingles. They too have the urge to carve their writing upon papers, and stamp their footprints on the seashore. But they are gifted by God with helplessness and a permanent inertia for rest. The only companion bestowed upon them are sombre, grief, woe, dole, sorrow, melancholy and affliction. So these chums are enough to rationalize their urge to end up the pilgrimage of the life of agonies. They feel that their soul should be freed from the inhuman life they live for they know that the next life that their soul would receive, would depict an eternal well being. They would then be able to behave normally.
But the guards of the door of life, fulfill their duties honestly and in doing so act as perfectly as robots. They too don't adore feelings just as the robots do. Merely they exasperate at the person begging for death like any other beggar asking for materialistic ailments. Excusing this vexation and protestant tendency as a method to prevent disgrace of religions that declare voluntary death as a sin. Some protestants excuse this restriction as a method to prevent involuntary illicit Euthanasia that resembles a kind of murder.
Religion pleads people to do good and is meant for the good will of the people. So how can one use the religion as a tool to offend Euthanasia. Religion should defend well- being at any stake, and euthanasia is rather for the well being of the trapped souls, so how can a law made by the well wishing tool offend well being? This question is capable of surmounting all the religious offenses put forward.
So despite knowing the afflictions of the sufferers, why are we being merciless? Why don't the lawmakers make Euthanasia licit. Don't all the souls have the right to wander round healthily in the freezing breeze. The captivity of souls in the body corresponds to imprisonment to death for an impeccable prisoner. So can't the book be thrown against this torture to the soul.
If the body isn't killed, than fine, there's no sin done, but actually speaking, the soul starves in the physique as a helpless captive. So after  all torturing is a more inhuman crime. So is torturing better than killing? Well, that's one of the wrangling questions, that strikes the lawmakers. But as to humanity is concerned, capital crime is better among the two.
So why not cease the sufferers' handcuffs that we hold? Why not let the people end up their distress? They too are mend of the same materials. Why to let them suffer, when a new life awaits their harbinger. Why not let the frightful birds fly off into the eternal heaven where a new life awaits their fortune.
Euthanasia: Physician assisted death
Some cons of the Euthanasia ('easy killing' in Greek) include the increase in the number of involuntary Euthanasia acts, stating of murders as an act of Euthanasia. And thereby, an increase in clean chits for the criminals. But a neurosurgeon operates every patient, despite of the fact that the mortality rate in neurological operations is quite low. So even in Euthanasia chances of illicit killing would be high like chances of death in neurosurgery, but that doesn't mean that due to a dozen fake mercies, a hundred might be left onto this planet, bearing dismay. So in fear of the bad, can the good be overlooked? Being scared of the wrong- doings can the good deeds be suspended? Well, the answer remains unrevealed until the Supreme Court in India announces its judgement.
Well, in several countries, Euthanasia is legalized by now. But still there are a number of countries that do not permit Euthanasia. And as to India is concerned, all the answers rely upon the knock of the judge's hammer.
The hammer's soon to either relieve hundreds of souls or declare them as a life long captive.
So whether active euthanasia,  i.e., direct killing of a person or passive euthanasia, i.e., killing a person indirectly, i.e., by ceasimg to give proper medicines in order to kill a person is preferrable, is another question that blocks the way to a true freedom of souls.
But anyways, the literal answers to all these questions lie deep within each creature. Whether the true mercy for sufferers arise in us or not? Whether the ruptures in our heart develop a clemency filled attitude within us or not? Whether we let the caterpillars- the sufferers fly into the sky like the butterflies. Whether we are still superstitious and religiously bound or practically thoughtful and believe in goodwill? Whether we take risks in life or be frightful and ruin souls due to the fear?
The answer lies in how we review life. Its upto us how our contemplations oscillate round this matter. Its upto us whether the pericardium ruptures or the adrenaline secretes while something worth mercy is viewed.
So the hundreds of lives today, rest upon our thinking. Hundreds of souls await our decision.
So lets join hands in this rally to reach a decision. Let's raise our voice to legalize Euthanasia, so that the sufferers could step out of the world and then soon return back with another physique and feel the wind gush through their veins. See the rainbow enrich the sky, smell the flowers in the bewitching backyard, step upon the filthy floor and perform dexterous dealings. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Voyage of Fantasy

With the triumph of the brightness over the gloom, a ray peeped through the grilled window and transfused into my eyelids, fondling right upon my retina. And a peculiar warmth touched me with a hand as bland as a dainty. And with the gradual narrowing of my pupil, I unsealed my eye cover.
 The first sight that I captured was probably a fatal strain to my eyes , for I spotted two lines embossed upon the board which read something that seemed to be an argot. So I rubbed my eyes in order to perceive a crystal clear vision of the impossibly interpretative script. At first, I blamed my drowsiness that shattered barricades to my reading skills, but anon with a shrill squeal "chai bolo bhai chai", my consciousness retrieved back into me. But still the script baffled me right from head to toe, until a savior alternative language kissed my sight. The script bore an interesting pronunciation that phonetics may evaluate it as 'pa~ than~ kot'.
My superficial knowledge of the Indian cities provided me the brush to paint upon my canvas a kind of a map of the distance that we had covered accompanied by the transverse shakings and minor jerks.
The painting drove me back home when I had started the previous night. The bitterness of Indian system that we tasted was still felt in my taste cells. The four hour train delay and hopeful announcements that aided to prove hope hopeless had set ablaze a quarter of my liveliness. And the adventurous train boarding that our tangled coil of crap railway functioning served us, still hadn't been stacked up in the memories, but was wandering in various nerve cells, clenching the nerve movement. Though the fatigue feeling had almost diffused with the previous evening's on wheel enjoyment and the sound sleep upon the wooden berth, yet a frail of weakness did saunter in me, colouring me with a shade of sloth.
But then keeping aside the sloth, I culminated as soon as the canvas yielded an imagined map. The inference read that we had covered 1500 kms and a sway through Eastern Gujarat, Rajasthan and almost entire of southern Punjab.
The station aroused in the train a considerable congestion. The unreserved passengers had already begun settling into the reserved seats by tagging the illicit acts as adjustment and brotherhood with the co- reserved passengers. But a real sense of compromise had ushered among the Indians. The inter- caste conversations had broken out and giggles and laughters were all heard aloud. And along with the boisterousness was heard a smash of middle berths, with the deluging of dreams. A bath excluding refurbishment was soon the most trending action in the compartment. Anon, a kind of young adult gossip had begun round the coaches. And the cards had become the most important comrade of the travelers fighting boredom.
And then a gaze at the passing by beauties of nature delighted the inner segment of my heart and the intrinsic lyricism felt at the moment stole all my descriptive words. The entire being of mine had begun wandering in the beautiful green grasslands and agricultural fields, as thought they were pouting at me.
Soon then spread a menacing darkness in the train resulting in a series of moans. At first I felt as if the Sun suddenly drowned in the horizon resulting in the darkness, but then a true rumor flew into the train. The occurrences of tunnels were enchanting the mood in the aura.
A true nature of humanity had ushered its existence. The wheel of time coiled the bonds of newly met mates. The rapidness of attachment left me awestruck. The attachments grouted and solidified like the fastest of gums. Brotherhood and friendliness lined the outline of every body. Within a wink had the strangers contributed to bring the strangest of emotions of liking.
While my notions strolled round the roots of the instantaneous cohesion, the express whistled with a rigorous intensity, striking every heart's chord of exuberance. Inertia then rendered its slight impact and a downtown terminal was sighted by us. A rather contrast to the filth laden stations, the Udhampur terminal explicated the rationality of  baptizing Jammu and Kashmir with the title- 'The Paradise on Earth'.
But we were yet to be welcomed by a  tedious hilly voyage. But once we boarded upon the bus the tediousness was plunged by the company of the newly attached co- campers. And the plain ethereal beauty that tug out of the windows gaped our eyelids.
The alluring destination soon baited our tempt to indulge into the lap of nature. The verdant valley mesmerized the senses into a deep bliss of gladness. The haste to gad in the meadow roused within our troop. But we were to attend a briefing pertaining to our seven day maneuvering. Soon the allotment of rooms and other formalities followed the proceedings.
And at the very end, we were sought with the liberty to gad in the bewitching valley. The first scene that caught my eye was of the green meadow that extended round the horizon. But for the very first time had interference proved worth existing. For the continuity of the green grass had been hampered by a lake that occupied the heart of the valley. A panoramic virtual view shall be eulogized by infinite pages . The point where the horizon of the valley concluded, a pine- filled green adamant mountain sprouted out from an unknown point on the ground. It seemed as though the ravishing peaks entirely besieged the place where we stood. The beauty left each one stunned to the fullest. As though the internal body system had paused for a while due to the flabbergast that shook the body. And an abrupt cogitation roused a tame suspicion in me. I doubted that a mass deluge had teleported each one of us to heaven. But soon had the suspicion been overthrown by a consecutive notion stating that the place surpassed even the heaven's wonderment and therefore the place couldn't be paradise. But the 'Beauty that Fantasies cannot fantasize" could be the only statement that could illustrate the descriptive visualization of the very destination. Each organ summoned  a euphoric feeling.
The skin felt a cool boon of breeze that palpated the physique. A sudden need to cover up the body grew in the ambience. It was a rage of cold that tugged down the mercury. And with the flight of mere cotton fluffs, unveiled the indescribable snow clad  peaks of the siblings of Everest. The ethereal beauty snatched my soul that began wandering in the newly sighted attraction.
The evening set with the admiring adjectives that swirled in each ones capillaries. But yet a pack of amazement awaited us. With the dusk, the salmon sky with the ethereal foreground garnished our mood. And the slow transformation of the orange into the black of witching hours was the very next phase of experiencing beauties even more beautiful than the word itself.
The change of the titian hue into the dark black night sky tugged with silver stars over it created a mere mumble of rabidity that bloomed a spirit of rhapsody. The day stroke out the authenticity that sky abounds in stars and the stroke was inked by the sight that stated that dazzling twinkles abound in dark patches of black. And the marvel heralded as though the entire sky shall glitter with silver. The stars patterned the imagined motifs. Somewhere twiddled the thumb of a comely tyke, and somewhere sailed the steamers of the Guinean battalion. A juvenile nature of each young adult was obscured in the yells of rapture that echoed round the valley. A single squeal replicated into a series of a verbalization. As though the boughs in the jungle bore human habitation and some inhabitants yelled back in the same intonation and accent with a rather dwindle in the intensity of the howl.
The entire empiricism was sober enjoyment and passion and affinity towards rejoicing. The inimical intention had no room in the valley, for we had chummed up with the tightest of threads. And the best feeling which surged through was the fact that we were to enchant the valley for a half of a fortnight. We had all resembled maniacs who ought to reside in the place that even the jargon would fail to describe for our entire life.
With the onset of dawn, neighed a socialite horse, that gadded round with its cronies. The sanguine sunrise was welcomed by the chirp of the Himalayan Quails. The urge for the glimpse of the verdant meadow forced me to saunter out of my cottage and walk a few meters to fetch a clear view. And the view satisfied my inner urge and my eye's restlessness.
The only grief that we all bore while we spent our time in the nature's custody was that the speeding wheel of time was passing out. The day was soon to prickle us and we all were to soon reach where we started. We would be dragged back home, back in the cozy warmth that contrasted the chilled pollution free aura of the valley.
The adventurous activities and the burdening tracks played an equal role in the gladdening of our hearts but the gist of all our fun lied in the beauty that we summoned in the Himalayas. The burdening and unbelievable trek to the snow cover strained the legs to the fullest, but yet, the touch of the enlivening frozen fluffy solid and its bright dazzle due to the reflection of the infra red rays, added up the beautifying ailment to the coarse peaks. And absorbed the entire tediousness that encompassed our joints due to the climb. Playful chuckles and a trek down to the base was accompanied by light drizzles and breezes. But on the whole the day was exhaust + enjoyment.
Our attitude of being a novice aided us to learn a lot of the pleasant culture of Kashmiris. The vernacular speech was another pleasant part to learn of J& K. The kind- hearted inhabitants and local "bokuts" and "koods" there were fun to be round. The housing and agricultural customs were quite a bit similar to the entire Indian pattern. The minute mud thatched houses were something to look at. The dressing style of the people suited the environmental features. But the salience of this state was the temperate erratic weather and the beautiful buds that bloomed in spring. The apple and peach trees were another astonishing existence.
Minute in and minute out our gracious memory archives stacked up more and more of unforgettable incidents. I pondered how I would manage to survive the after effects of this stacking up. I feared every moment that these moments would lose up the second I step back home. Being an optimistic, yet my thoughts scrolled out to be pessimistic in this case. I prognosticated how monotonous the days back home would be. The most difficult would be the indulgence into nostalgia. But the nightmare of going was soon to transition into reality. 
With rappels and river crossings and with shattering of twigs of time, the gala juncture was to end up. The day rose a gloom in the environment. Tears were just wiggling in the pupil. The separation from the nature was the first grievance. For the filaments with pals had yet time to loosen up. The very day before boarding the bus, I turned back and scanned the entire valley for the very last time. The way we scan our rooms before checking out of motels. But there I found something of mine was left in the valley. Yes, it was my memories. My attachment. My love. My bonding. My glee. My heart and my soul. 
As though it was only my muscular and skeletal systems that were crawling back home. My entire self still roamed in the meadows. I was in complete mourn. As though I was forced to get back home. But gallantly did I face the situation. And once again I clicked the picture of the entire scenario and boarded on the bus to Katra. 
Yet there were some moments that awaited my presence. There were upcoming defiance that were to knock my door. The challenge was the scaling of the Vaishno devi mountain. We took a night start estimating to reach the top two hours after midnight. The hours long trek was tiring, but we were accompanied by the thrills of the night. The best part of the scaling was the view of the city lights from the higher points. It was a kind of a colorful dazzle painted upon a rough terrain. It was entirely a breathtaking, marrow freezing and a nerve clenching sight. The interrogative me asked if I was really seeing what I saw. The way each light of Katra contributed to form the wonderful scene was something to think upon. The discovery of electricity as though gained another significance in my life. Being time bound, we didn't pause much, but proceeded on way to the top. After struggling throughout the way, to the sigh of relief we scaled our destination. 
The caves of the place were good to look at. And then the most blissful sight, was the sight of the deity. "Three crowns and three faces." As though the scene glorified our pilgrimage. I realized why the passers by yelled and danced while scaling the peak. There was a ray of hope and satisfaction that was flowing round the hilltop, that attracted pilgrims. 
The walk down the hill was as though the walk to our beingness. Yes, we all knew that once we reach Katra, we would be off to Jammu from where we were to depart for Gujarat. Drenched in agony, affliction, somber and woe, we reached Katra, and in accordance to our schedule, boarded the train. 
The boarding felt as though we had boarded the chariot that was to carry us from heaven to the Earth. The separation was just more than painful. But the life is all about reality. Though we deny to accept it, the road to life leads us to our actual being. Our home was where we lived. The way after death we have to blend with the soil our creator, though our soul is in heaven, even we were all to get back to our origin, though our soul yet wandered in Sanasar. 
The step onto my hometown was a doleful situation. The bids of farewell to the friends who were with for almost a fortnight for every second, might now disappear right in the sky. Though we promised to stay in touch, but yet the reality of life was that we were no more to be as close.
But we have to accept the revolutionizing phases of life. If life itself is temporary, how can we expect moments to be permanent. Life is like a journey. We meet people, we explore places, we enjoy, we face exigencies, we cry, we laugh, we live, but at the very end, the death swirls upon the head. So as somebody said, " Live before you die." And,  "Don't die before you are dead.", I had enjoyed to my fullest in those days. Though my soul art in heaven (Sanasar), but I compulsorily head to blend with the Earthen soil my origin(my home). So life is all about temporariness. But its quite tough to accept the fact. But at the same time we have to accept it. 

So though have I accepted my presence in my origin today, but I still dream of the bewitching meadow and my soul still resides in Sanasar.
Miss you J&K ....Miss you friends... 

Sunday, June 8, 2014


 There was a time when I used to wonder what exactly innocence was. Was it just being kind and honest? Or was it being true to ourselves and people? But soon with the spark of time, I comprehended the true meaning of innocence. I apprehended the meaning by the aid of a five- year old infant cousin of mine that I visited last week.  The girl depicted the extent to which true innocence can stack a person into. The minor conducts of the girl released a scent of purity in the surroundings.
  Upon my first sight for the very first time, she cried and deceived my approach. But her cry shadowed the inner liking for me. That was just her innocence that shadowed it. She was menaced by my sudden arrival and so was she procrastinating my gaze at her.
  But soon with the passage of time, her innocent self submitted her to me. She raged and sat upon my lap and embraced me to the fullest. She fidgeted a bit upon me and then gagged for a while and stared at me with the largest of eyeballs. Her stare at me wasn't sly or malignant, but her impeccable sight was overflown with affection. Her squealing at times was seldom heard by then. She had adapted herself to me. Her visage which was tangled with innocence strengthened my belief of the very fact that Gods habitat in tykes.

  Every single act of the girl mated upon my mind and forced me to indulge into her innocent acts of joy. Her calm and enlivening touch had later roused in me an unknown attachment and my inner heart bloomed up with rhapsody.
   A rationalizing thought was just knocking at my mind, but the door wasn't yet ajar, to allow the true meaning of innocence to flow into my ocean of notions. The dawn of cognition of the literal meaning of being naive had broke out, but the foggy and pale weather was obstructing the explication of the correct sense of the word.
But the vehement rise of the meaning itself, threw off all the filth and smog particles aside and gave a crystal clear view of the entire purity revolving round the very being - innocence. But the rise had been preceded by a normal event for some and a quite complicated incident for intellectuals.
The tale followed a landmark achievement. It had been almost one- fourth of a dozen years since I had visited a kids enjoyment zone. The area bore just absurd rides, monotonous games and a scattered rabble. The place seemed utterly uninteresting to me. But for my tiny cousin, it was a kind of a heavenly ravine, where she had perpetually sojourned in her dreams. Her eyes lit up like the brightest of wicks and she hasted into the grand zone. Readily, soon after the payment the girl scampered into each and every whirling ride of the zone. The very time yielded a true sense of boredom in me.
And so I stood immobilized for a considerable span of time thinking for the reason of the volatility of interests in life. I wondered why used to feel euphoric when I used to sit on those chaffing rides. I procured the huge shift of my interest and likings along with my growing age. A still deeper dive into the archived memories revealed that I was nearly the age of my cousin while I used to find those unreal rides infatuating. Yet I wrapped my hypothesis into the folds of epidermis of doubts that I bore in my brain.
The next very day again, the accompaniment of the girl provoked the pensiveness lying intrinsic in me. The sight of the girl elating to the fullest, while driving a hand- driven toy car stunned me up. The aforesaid condition once again evolved the baffling thoughts in me. And the most puzzling wrangle was the reason for the jolly that the girl gained by riding the unrealistic four wheel drive.
The next moment she indulged into some other thought attracting action, she tried to scare me with a mumble in the daylight. It really felt silly, but even I pretended to be scared. And after I acted as if fright really struck me, she burst into an uncontrollable laughter.
The demeanor of the girl choked my coherence. I felt as if certain actions are beyond the clear sense of reasoning. And a mere truth approached me, and whispered that happiness and enjoyment need not have a reason every time. But still my quest for comprehending the secret hidden in the silly rapture continued until I summoned an abrupt rage of thoughts.
The rage pointed towards the true sense lying into the embossed letters of the word 'innocence'. And the next wink of my eyelids aided me to define the word innocence in my inner diction. I evaluated each step and move of the girl to its fullest. And then apprehended the true meaning of innocence.
What struck me at first was that in accordance with me, I myself had lost my innocence. Because innocence was purity of being, but this was a very theoretical definition according to me. But in the practical and actual world a person's innocence is judged by his deeds. Taking into consideration the tyke cousin of mine, an innocent person is someone who can enjoy the tiniest of happening without trying to find a reason.
The girl never thought why she enjoyed sitting on the rides in the kids zone. She just summoned elation in doing so and so she loved doing so. Alacrity had no reason in her life. She never thought of what caused the inner alacrity. She never tried to think for reasons, or she never lamented that why she wasn't able to drive a real car rather than a toy car. The materialistic world was just nothing for her. Woe and melancholy had no room in her life. She was stress resistant and free of worries. She wasn't introduced to misery and meanness. Dishonesty, disgrace and resentment didn't fondle her existence. Her heart was pure and good- willing. This was her true innocence and this is what I feel innocence is.
So the dark part of the quest for innocence revealed that innocence is inversely proportional to age and empiricism. the moment the rancorous thoughts approach the mind, the volatile innocence gradually vaporizes away. And the moment we hunt for reasons to enjoy life, the total innocence disappear in the air.
The way the bubbles used to gladden us, the way the balloons used to attract our attention and the way dressing barbies and dolls seemed to be a life long errand were all due to the innocence that rested in our soul.
With Renaissance started the era of rational thinking. But soon the rationality of thoughts took a deep dive. People started finding reasons for almost everything. And the day people apprehended the miseries and dark patches of living, the innocence started fading into the aura.
So if still at times, if you feel that you are happy and you don't know why? Then it indicates that there are traces of innocence hidden beneath your heart. The rhyme "If you re' happy and you know" has a deep evaluation of happiness in it. It just states that if you are happy, and if you know, then just forget everything and enjoy the enjoyment of enjoying.
At times reasoning is vital in life, so even innocence in excess isn't good. Innocence at certain junctures of life is advantageous. So a pledge from this moment to add up a topping of innocence on our cakes of life could help garnish our cake and make our living a better living. So remember to welcome happiness without trying to find a reason for it, and you will find that life takes you to a peak of merriment. And after all, bliss is the reason for living. And finding reason in the reason for living is just ridiculous. So let euphoria spread in your lives, love enjoyment, love your living and let a frail of innocence besiege your existence.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Life defy us at every single step. At every second, there's a strike of a vigorous exigency that tingles our tranquility. There's an intimate call that streams our proceedings and aids to scale up all the rancorous challenges of life. But an exception floats upon each water molecule despite of its heavy density. There are certain flicks of livelihood when a crack up plunges our filaments of living and at aforesaid creeping of life, there's always a need of a guiding element. Such an element that fluxes our being and tinkles a bell of up on our on- goings by elucidating us of the true basis of the happening and the skillful step that could solve up the very difficulty or help to chase our errands of our sojourn at Earth.
At times in life, there's a vehement need to be explicated the path that is the best to move on. At times we do wrangle up our rationality into an unending dispute of thought processes, and we badly ought to be advised by a perfect empiricist. At such a juncture of upbringing there's a motivating word that could deviate our deviated chosen way of living. And the way every parent holds up the hand of his/her child while he/she is a toddler and aids the child to get up ad face the abnormalities and coarseness upon the floor and helps the child to walk upon his feet, much the same way, there's a need of a hand that could guide every move of living. And such a hand that could amend the livelihood is termed a motive.
Motivation plays a vital role in life. The legendary wizards too at certainties require a motivational word to proceed further. One cannot be omniscient enough to make all the decisions without negotiations. And such negotiations might motivate the lifestyle.
Truly speaking each person suffers a success greed. So thats the reason why we love reading motivational books and articles. We always tend to seek the best path that could help trail the highest peak in the universe. And that is something not wrong. Sometimes a meek guideline can change up our entire position. This meek guideline is nothing but motivation.
So motivation can help us fight every evil that comes our way. Whether it be the inner perplexing, the outer exigency or the surrounding difficulties. Something in sooth could inspire us and advice us to drive upon the correct path. And motivation forces us to work with dedication.
Motivation may be intrinsic or extrinsic depending upon its origin. Intrinsic motivation is derived from within an individual, i.e., a desire might motivate and inspire a person to perform a particular task. And extrinsic motivation is the inspiration provided by an external cause or being.
Whether it be intrinsic or extrinsic, but motivation is something that is the fuel for life. Without the fuel no car can accelerate or move ahead. Not a single being can proceed without a motivating hand. Thoughts divert, lifestyles deviate but its always motivation that drags one to the correct path and forced one to dedicate his/her life in achieving the desirous goal.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bonanza of gratitude- The Best Gift for Mothers' Day

"When I raised my eyelash for the first time,          
  When I cried and screamed while still mime.
  It was you who didn't slack,
  It was you who patted upon my back.

  When I needed a warming hug,
  When I acted just like a thug.
  It was you who held me tight,
  It was you who taught me right.

  When I used to stumble down,
  When I used to be lost in the town.
  It was you who sympathized me
  It was you  who used to poke and see.

  When I  used to be scorched by fear,
  When I used to urge for someone dear,
  It was you who shod my fright,
  It was you who stood upright.

  When my fortune had been blown,
  When I used to weep all alone,
  It was you who knew what I felt,
  It was you who comprehended what I dealt.

  When I was addicted and binged,                                
  When from my body misdemeanor fringed,
  It was you who guided me through,
  It was you who taught me what was true.

  When life to me seemed just pale,
  When I was just about to stale,
  It was you who accompanied me through my way,
  It was you who helped me sway.

  When I was unaware of the world outside,
  When I was to commence my ride,
  It was you who taught me to stand,
  It was you who held my hand."

In every moment of our life, our mother is always there for us. From the very time of our creation, she bore us. For the afflicting 9 months, she sauntered all round, just to take care that we weren't smacked. During our birth, the agonies hat she went through were incredible. While an infant, she taught us to stand upon our toes. She has always been there during our grievances and ecstasies.
She walkes every step with us in order to gawk that we won't stumble.
She understands every thump of our heart. Without a single sign, she can know our inner emotions. She has sacrificed everything for us. She has helped us to become whatever we are.
She teaches us what is good, and obstructs us from the evils of life. She protects us and guides us in every fold. At times she does exasperate but the next moment she embraces us.
In every exigency she aids us to find a cliche. In every defiance she stands with us. And whenever we need her, without a single utterance, she leaves aside all chores and held our hand and says,
"I will always love you,
  And perpetually while I live,
  I will always be there for you."

This is what a mother is. So on this occasion of Mothers' Day, a bonanza of gratitude arises naturally. So let us thank our mothers from the vehement pureness of our being. Lets thank our mothers to have panicked for us throughout their lives. Let us all say it together:
"Thanks a lot our dear mom,
  You helped me fight every storm.
  I thank you for everything; from the very start,
  I thank you from the core of my heart."

Whether a child is physically or mentally sound or not, fair or dark, slim or stout, dumb or genius, rich or poor, a mother always selflessly loves her child. She devotes her entire life for her children So let us too love our mother.
Have we ever thought that how hurting our mother might be feeling due to our certain words and actions? So let us think over it and pledge not to be rude to our mothers just because they bear the tyranny. So lets pledge to be kind to our mothers. Lets gift them what they deserve. So this mothers' day, the best gift to a mother would be true love and lots of respect. Lets not spree round and show up our malignant being towards them. This would be the present that we could gift them.......
"All the daughters and all the sons,
  Have bought all pastries and all buns.
  Its time for a bash today,
  Lets forget all the griefs in our way,
  Oh! Lets just color the gray.
  Oh! You gave us what money can't pay,
  But at least to the least that I can say,
  Oh Mom! a very Happy Mothers' Day."

Juvenile Furlough

An alacrity had coup to besiege each mole constituting the aura by its sway. The exuberance had rancorously maneuvered to refurbish the grey hue in the biosphere with a pink strand of rhapsody. An immense agog had raged round the atmosphere. The elation had gritted the grit on the Blue marble with its euphoric blend. Exultation had set forth for its sojourn into the Earth's ambiance. A mere launch of the scent of exhilaration had been recorded by the emotionometre.
A barragement of various feelings synonymifying happiness had commenced with the contemporaneous cradle of the summer furlough. The toddlers and the young adults were all set with their summer plans. A fragrance of enthusiasm had choked each ones nostril. A period that had been blandly enunciated by the school- goers as a blissful talisman had paved a plethora chance to gratify their binges of abstaining from the knowledge bearers. The academic evaluations had no more the vehement menace among the pupil. The notions of studiousness had plopped along with the droplets of sudation. The rivers in the countryside were clogged up with the flow of ecstasy and enchantment. A deep mumble of rapture had begun echoing round the streets of the town. Enormous yells of merriment had ushered their prominence round the skyscrapers of the city.
Letzzzz Enjoy
The import- export of people had become actively prevalent and so maternal and paternal uncles and aunts suffered the utmost of the ridiculous acts of the nephews and nieces. The tourism touts and rest houses had begun earning to their fullest for the surge of excursionists had drowned up the tourist places with the inflow. The visitor stats of forests exceeded the tree census and the human density upon the mountains surpassed the snow cover of the peaks.
The parks and grounds were trembled with free runs. And the chime of glass shattering craved the day due to the newly learnt players. The various clubs in the cities had flooded with a number of membership acquisitions  and the pre- acquired memberships were exploited to the greatest. With the strike of evening, each house summoned an outrage of a fully charged innocent evil that pumped through the kids' bodies. The chit- chats and gossips had increased manifold. And green signs along the names upon the social networking sites had become perpetual. Status updates included signs of independence and liberty. And the photos signified the bashes and  night stays to the minutest of details. All the vacation resolutions had been torn from the thoughts, and not a single goal had been achieved. The evil deeds and pranks stimulated their upholding. 
The errand that alacrity took up had successfully been darted at the very middle. The exuberance, rhapsody, rapture and exultation also succeeded to fulfill their tasks. The stress of the environment blew up like evening pollen grains. The woes of the day were replaced by the joy of the aura. 
But yet a breakthrough too long, had soon retrieved the true fun. The school days had soon climbed upon the cogitations of each child. An urge to meet the buddies had crackled each one with its punch. A kind of affinity to remain busy had developed among school- goers, and so the days of furlough had soon to aroused boredom among the individuals. Each child had soon comprehended the true vitality of schools and colleges.
Playing with friends, enjoying at restaurants, going for a drive had all exceeded the pleasantness, and soon the excitement had begun diminishing. Yet, each child knew that a furlough was vital to uplift their spirits back.
So there had been created a dual impact. The boredom and enjoyment had encompassed each child. The pupil had become perplexed to balance the two. Not being engaged in daily studies had left the children with lots of extra time. And so this was something that set to ablaze the spirit of liveliness among the young adults as well as infants. But at the same time the boredom and separation from certain friends had created a doleful effect.
But on the whole, the most dominant ailment that swayed round the furlough was the cheer and charm. So the vacations are really a must- need kind of, but yet a permanent vacation would definitely demand a breakthrough from the breakthrough itself. So if one has been imparted with a month long break, then one shall enjoy to the fullest, leaving out melancholic thoughts of separations and boredom. One shall eulogize the golden time provided, and do the best that one can do to nurture the immense talents and hobbies in the free time...
So a very happy vacation time to all my  friends, colleagues and each one upon the Blue marble. May sombre be won over by jolly. Have a gala time.......

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Attached eternally

 In a heart touching intonation, a sweet voice articulated the cutest of names ever baptized, "Rosy", the voice yelled. And with that, a shrill yet loving bark shook the ambiance with its coarseness. I fidgeted upon my study seat, and then dwindling every single notion, I rushed into the verandah. And the glance of that large black and brown doberman satisfied my urge, and the look of that stout tiny lady calmed my inner being. But I overlooked the calmness and the peace of mind that the sight imparted to me.
I just scampered out of my house and picked up a thin round filth filled stick and threw it at Rosy, she jumped with alacrity and caught the stick into her jaws.
Soon then, the cute little aunt sauntered towards me and stood beside me . And anon the two of us gazed at Rosy. We felt a euphoric scent in the air as Rosy tossed the stick around and then bounced to grab it back. This was the time when a situation at proximity to goosebumps had harbingered. But then the next second Rosy dropped the stick and abruptly rushed towards me as though she was to bit me the very moment. I screeched and held the aunt's arm tightly. She shod Rosy away and patted upon my back and then swirled her fingers into my hair. Her touch was too much of motherly to me. The sense of motherhood for me lied somewhere beneath in her. I felt as though for a moment of being bestowed upon another Mom.
That evening was one of the most memorable evenings spent with that aunt. She was a big no one to me. But the attachment that the evening bought me, accounts to the most miraculous happening. An abrupt sense of resonance was created that emulsified a weird bonding between us. Her touch prickled a vital chord of my emotions and I felt the ever most blissful at the very time.
Then soon it was the time that we be departed. I bade a bye to the aunt and her dog, and then hastened to my study room to prepare for the key-stage- one annual evaluation. Soon it was late enough for my time to lay. I smacked my lips and strained my brain, but I comprehended nothing. I was thinking of the sudden attachment that had been created to that aunt. The way her touch felt warm to me. The way I felt like being patted by her once again.
There was an intimate filament of bondage that had been ushered between us. A bonding, I thought might be immortal. I then wondered that the way my neighbor used to live there for years and I never felt too much attached with the aunt. I stayed awake till a considerable strike of the clock, and then at the very last hoping to take a glance of the lady soon, I mesmerized into the world of fantasies where the three of us played with the sticks. The clock soon traveled its journey, but when it reached dawn, as though the cock didn't crow the very day.
I felt the most anguished moment. The mourn left me spell bound. I felt as thought the Sun shall never rise up again. The night which had just ended, had actually begun in my thoughts. I was sure that the filaments were too tight to be tugged up. But it was the Creator who tangled the threads and cut the minutest of its molecule. I was to end up thinking by the very minute.
The person with whom I had been attached miraculously, was lost within a wink. The most alarming condition ever had struck my heart. That aunt was no more to pat upon me, my heart was no more to be calmed by her sight. The aunt's soul had begun its pilgrimage, leaving the body aside.
I stubbornly asked my parents to permit me to, for the very last time, capture the endearing face of the dearest aunt. So in the very morning I along with my parents walked through the road where I used to play with that aunt. The each patch of the path where the aunt used to stand, paused my beats fora second. I was completely drenched in agony. The most afflicting heart ache had struck my health.
And finally, the view of the body of that aunt froze up my bone marrow. The nerve clenching sight had struck my retina. The aunt seemed the same. As if she laid with her eyelids shut. As though the next moment she shall stretch her arms and then shattering the sloth, would saunter towards me, and grasp my arms as she perpetually used to do. The first time had the 6 year old sighted a dead body. I was like completely menaced from within.
But then I knew that the time shall never rewind back. Never shall I ever be nudged by her again. The wrinkled spongy palms shall never warm my arms. My hair shall never be swirled upon by those tiny fingers. I knew that the the sight that used to calm my heart's urge shall never be summoned anymore.
The grief and despair were harsh enough to dry my tears. I wasn't even able to shed a single pearl off my eyes. I was as though completely lost into some other world. I had lost all my senses.
I monotonously kept gazing at the body of my beloved aunt, until my mother pleaded me to join my hands in prayer at the body of the lady. I did so and then I just hurried out of the grilled house where life had vaporized from the aunt's body . The sight of the body without soul was something that my eyes had experienced for the very first time. It left me shattered. The mourn in the aura was deceived by me just because I was already saturated with desolation.
Since then each moment used to force me to visualize the being of that aunt. I used to dream of the lady at every hour of the proceeding nights. I used to visualize the three of us playing together and the aunt flying off in the sky.
 But the memories of the gala time, dwindled and faded away with my childhood. All the grievances were lighted upon with new colors of mirth. As the cycle moves on, life and death whirl in the channel of life. But still I miss that aunt's smile that had won over my heart, the superficial touch that used to lick my inner soul and the last click that my eye lids had captured of the aunt that once used to live.
The motto of this article lies in the deep truth of life, that attachments are not forcibly mend. They are created by the Gods in heaven. But at the same time detachments are too planned out by God.
"Its he who controls our meetings with people,
Its he who builds our life's steeple.
But the attachments too he does hew,
So the leaves detached from the branches must remember,
That it was always he who blew."
So with every shift of the Earth, there's something that we leave behind. Something that used to be dear to us. Something that used to enliven our days. But the wheel of time flickers every  wick and it soon goes off. So the attachments that are made are to detach some day. So we shall amend our self with the time and remember to live every second accepting the new uptakings of life.